The Day Care Centre serves as a safe haven for children with special needs, providing them with opportunities for learning, socialization, and personal growth. Through individualized attention and a supportive atmosphere, we aim to enhance the quality of life for these children and their families.
We have established Sankalp Shristi Shiksha Niketan in Govindpur Tribal Village of Jhargram District, West Bengal. Here, we provide comprehensive educational services to children, including academic curriculum, sports training, and cultural enrichment programs. Additionally, we offer adult education classes and vocational training to equip individuals with skills for self-sufficiency.
Through our empowerment initiatives, we aim to create sustainable pathways out of poverty and marginalization. By investing in education and healthcare, we enable individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives and contribute positively to their communities.
Collaborating with local communities to identify and address their unique challenges, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment among residents. Through these initiatives, Sankalp Shristi aims to create lasting positive change and uplift the most vulnerable members of society.